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Let's talk a little about me.
But not too much! ;-)

My name is Alessandra and I was born in 1974.

A few years ago, during one of the very first Scenography lessons at NABA in Milan, we were asked to create a model of our elementary school class. It was not meant to be a faithful reproduction, rather a reinterpretation of memories.

I arranged my little desk in the center of the class, far from everyone, isolated but not alone. So I remembered (wrongly).

Even then I was living in a world of my own, where I saw things that others did not see, magical but safe worlds.


While a part of me followed the lessons dutifully (a bit like I do now, after all), the "fantastic" part of me was living other adventures, always new.

I am this. The one who lives the life she has to, but who lives the one she dreams through fantasy.


"We all have our time machines.

Some take us back, they're called memories.

Some take us forward, they're called dreams. "

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